Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dems Can't Handle Good News

It's almost like they just don't know what to do with it. A few months ago the Democrat wisdom was that we needed to send more troops to Iraq. We didn't have enough there and those on the ground were getting tired and wanted to come home. Of course none of that was evident from the ACTUAL troops but that's what the Dems seemed to be saying. Every time the bloodthirsty hate-mongers (insurgents) would attack some liberal would say it was due to their hatred of the occupation forces, someone else would say it was due to the lack of troops and others would say it was the incompetency of the leadership. Now that there's good news, they don't seem to know what to do with that either.

Ted Kennedy calls for the immediate withdrawl of 12,000 troops. Why that number? Why not more? Why not all?

Pelosi and Reid are both calling for a "real and understandable plan" and an "exit strategy". I think the real and understandable plan is what we are currently doing, training Iraqi people to defend their newly won freedom while we continue to protect them as best we can. The "exit strategy" is to leave when the job is done.

Even Allawi, the interim president of Iraq, said it would be utter nonesense to ask foreign troops to leave.

The Sunnis concur - "There were some mistakes" in the occupation "but to be fair ... I think all in all it was positive, the contribution of the foreign forces in Iraq," al-Yawer said. "It was worth it."

The irrelevance of many Democrats is increasing. Their cries for pulling out of Iraq prematurely are increasingly falling on deaf ears. The job is getting done, no thanks to them. The more they talk the more they make it clear that they don't even understand the job, much less how to get it done.


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