Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Death threats? If you say so.

Frankly I have a hard time imagining anyone bothering to even make such a threat. People are calling Ward Churchill's comments outrageous, inflammatory, offensive and repugnant. Why get so emotional over them? He's ignorant. This is a cause for removal of tenure due to incompetence.

Let's not remove Churchill because his statements bother us, let's not call for his ouster because his thoughts are "repugnant". While those things may be true, they are not a reason for him to resign as chairman of the Ethnic Studies department.

The real reason for him to be removed is because, while ideas ought to be allowed equally, not all ideas are equal. If a professor wanted to argue that the moon is made of green cheese, he ought to be allowed to argue that, but he should also be removed for incompetence.

We continue to set precident for intolerance when we attack with emotion rather than reason.


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