Thursday, February 17, 2005

Ed Shultz Doesn't Get It Either

Apparently the talk show circuit isn't as bad as the liberals made it sound some 10 years ago. Now they want to join the party too. It's a little late but I say, go for it, the more the merrier. It used to be that if you wanted to save face around a liberal elite you had to deny listening to the AM dial. Now they seem to be doing everything they can to move into that territory. They even want it to sound like they are the supreme underdogs who just woke up from a 20 year nap to find that someone invented something called "talk radio".

I don't believe they ignored talk radio out of ignorance. I believe they ignored it out of disdain. They couldn't believe that people actually listened or took it seriously. And of course they held all the other major media outlets, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, Reuters, NY Times... All the newsmakers were in their palms. It wasn't until the truth actually started to matter, and overtake the ability of any major media outlet to squelch it that they realized they needed to engage the people of the country.

They may blame talk radio, conservatives may bless it. Frankly I think things could have gone on much longer if not for the internet and the blogosphere. That impact on MSM is earthshattering.

So here's the quote from Ed Shulz, relative newcomer to the talk radio scene, from a liberal perspective and new to my area, although I don't think his broadcast will reach me from the People's Republic of Boulder. He'll probably experience a modicum of success being broadcast from there.

"I come in with a list of things that are timely and topical. What do people want to talk about? I get a plethora of information from e-mails. Hell, we're in the news business; we'll take information from anybody." (emphasis added)

And that's the crux of the difference. He thinks he's still in the realm of news, not opinion, and he will take information from anybody. On several levels he's just out of it. He's not in news, he's about spreading his opinion. The cons in radio understand that and are open and honest about it. The libs never seem to realize that their opinions are NOT the news. And second, taking information from anybody is not responsible journalism. A journalist attempts to have emotional and values distance from that which they report, investigate, question, don't trust until confirmed. But they just don't get it.


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