Friday, February 25, 2005

Few Words

I have a friend who is a staunch Democrat. He tells me that he reads GW's speeches because he wants to give him the benefit of really hearing the content without being distracted by Bush's terrible delivery.

I'm not nearly as critical of Bush's speechmaking but admittedly Bush is not the best speechgiver. My friend is also critical of Fox sports. When he came over to watch the Superbowl he made more comments on how poor the telecast was than he did on the game itself. Certainly from a conservative perspective I'd say he can't see the forest through the trees.

I'll grant a few criticisms but eventually you have to say that making speeches is not the only job of a president and watching the Superbowl through Fox Sports doesn't change the game itself.

Bush may not be eloquent all the time (he's certainly had great moments) but he is a man of action. Unlike Reagan or Clinton who seemed always ready for a camera and news crew, Bush seems almost annoyed with reporters much of the time. But I don't frankly care.

In my estimation actions speak louder than words. "Now watch this drive."


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