Saturday, May 21, 2005


File this one under "Sure, that could be normal". She's 34 and he's 22, no problem. They have two children together, no problem. She was married before and has 4 other children. Ok, a little messed up for the kids (very messed up actually) but still, in today's culture, somewhat common.

But their two daughters are 7 and 8 years old. Do the math that makes him 14 and 15 when he knocked her up. And she was his teacher. They met when he was in second grade. They became "intimate" when he was 12. All semblance of normalcy... obliterated. I don't think Dr. Phil would even touch this one. To begin thinking about the messed up confusion in this guy's mind and heart brings a swirl of dizziness. Then to ask what a 24 year old mother of 4 could gain from a relationship with a 12 year old almost brings the gag reflex. Can you say Oedipus?


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