Friday, April 01, 2005

Bible Irrelevant?

At the link above, the FRC (Family Research Council) states that the CO supreme court has now declared the Bible to be irrelevant. Actually, although I sympathize with much that FRC stands for, I have to disagree with them on this point.

"The case involved throwing out the sentence of a man who was given the death penalty after jurors consulted the Bible in reaching a verdict."

Rather than declaring the Bible to be irrelevant, it seems to me that this decision has declared the Bible to be of supreme importance. In fact it's so important as to be impossible for any juror, in the presence of the Word of God, to make any decision contrary to what it says. Apparently the mere presence of a Bible in a jury room has such a great impact that no jury can withstand it. It is SO influential that if read, it must be followed. Gone is rationality, all that remains is robotic obedience.

Quite interesting if you ask me. I didn't know they were so afraid of this book.


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