Monday, August 20, 2007

Playing in the Shadows

I received this article from a mentor and friend. And he seemed in agreement with it. Though, not so much in agreement as fond of the heart provoking conversation that could follow were he to meet with some friends at a pub and discuss it.

It strikes me as somewhat defeatist and at the same time liberating. So I'm torn. Of course if my goal is global transformation, that's a pretty tall order. It's something that could keep me busy for quite some time. And it's a good goal, provided the transformation is good. Jesus wants us to do things that are beneficial to others and if we preach the Gospel, that will transform the world right? The conferences and seminars noted in the article are meant to help us all unite toward that end. We do all want to be significant and there's nothing inherently wrong with that if our significance comes from knowing that we are part of God's great work in the world.

I don't think the problem is so much about the church trying to transform culture. The problem is that the church has it's own ideas about what that transformation will look like. So from one corner transformation equals acceptance of everyone in a "let's all get along" style of living. On another corner are the purity seekers who would love their own version of sharia law imposed on the world. Another corner has the contemplatives who want to discuss and "understand" one another. And there are more corners so you don't have to choose from these limited selections.

I have an attitude that says "Thank's for the directions Lord, I'll take the lead from here and let you know if I run into any trouble." Meantime Jesus is speaking to me softly and I can no longer hear him as I've moved too far away.

The world will be transformed one day, but it won't be according to my plan, it will be His.

Plato spoke of the world as shadows on a cave wall. The reality was in the realm of "ideas" who's shadows were cast on the wall. There's some truth to that when we realize that God created all of this out of a grand idea. That idea was muddled by sin. It will be made perfect again one day but we'll have to wait for Him to do the perfecting. Otherwise we're just playing in the shadows.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Are you the keymaster?

I’m struck this morning with an interesting thought.

I’m seeing all these theological words, definitions and explanations as types of “keys”. We use these keys to unlock the mysteries of Scripture. Sometimes a particular key unlocks the meaning of one verse but seems to lock up the meaning of another. So we use a different key on that other verse, but that seems to lock a third. It’s like one of those wooden apple-shaped 3-d puzzles. Each piece is held in place by another and until the final piece is placed the whole seems to fall apart. If we succeed in dismantling it we haven’t gained, we’ve only created a mess.

I think this thought is an extension of an insight I had while reading Matthew 14. Jesus comes walking on the water and Peter says “Lord if it’s you, tell me to come to you walking on the water.” I realized, “That’s a frickin stupid test!” What the heck was Peter thinking? He obviously had some expectation of the way that would play out. It didn’t work. What scared me, and here is the insight I had, is that I have my own expectations too. I judge so many things by how they affect my plans for my future. I judge Scripture the same way. But this Jesus guy, he’s not safe. The people around him didn’t all have wonderful huncky-dory lives. So most of my “keys” I realized, were false hope. My expectations are completely off base. I think I’m so smart that I can somehow unlock the secrets of God. In reality what I’ve done has been more like, looking at a fabulous painting, perhaps a Rembrandt. Instead of seeing the whole, the characters, the lighting etc. I’ve taken turpentine and wiped the canvas clean. Then analyzed the chemical compounds of the paint. I’ve totally missed the point. It tells me nothing about the painter. Only when I allow the painting to stand on its own does it reveal the painter to me.

The terrifying thing is that I don’t know a way of looking at Scripture without using my “keys”. When I see the word “salvation” I pull out a ring of keys. When I see the word “Gospel” I pull out another ring. When I see “faith” I pull out another. Etc. Believing myself to be wise I have become a fool. And how great is my foolishness. I’m not sure of the way out of this but I think I need to put away the turpentine first. I need to stop sterilizing Scripture, stop coming to it with my own “keys” and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work.

Any ideas what that might look like? Am I talking crazy?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Touching the Void

I read “Touching The Void” this week. It’s the story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates epic climb and disastrous descent of Sinula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. The story is palpable but sometimes clouded in climbing terms that make it difficult to follow or picture in your mind. It was a first ascent of a 21000 foot peak.

On the way down Simpson fell and broke his leg badly at his right knee. Simon, rather than abandon his “dead” friend lowered him down some 3000 feet to the glacier. Just when they would have reached the bottom Simpson went off a cliff and hung precariously in a crevasse. No way to climb the rope and no way to communicate to Simon in a bad storm and at night. Simon began to slip and held the rope as long as he could. Figuring Simpson to finally have expired he cut the rope.

I won’t get into the discussion of whether a climber should ever cut the rope or not. To me this was not the most important theme of the book. I think Simpson wrote the book to expunge the demons of that terrible experience as well as to tell the story and liberate his friend from any guilt over cutting the rope. Simpson said he would have done the same thing, there was no choice.

To me the most important theme of the book was the voice in the void. After Simpson drops into the crevasse he begins to hear a "voice". He describes it as something outside himself. It's not a part of him and he actually fights with the voice from time to time. Tragically Simpson never seems to ask where that voice came from. His focus is always on the void itself and his epic struggle, amazed at each small victory and his ultimate survival. At the end of it all he marvels at the irony that his experience, far from killing him, had made him a successful businessman with speaking and writing engagements. He even returned to climbing.

Throughout the epic portion of the book all the thoughts and words that don’t belong to Simpson are italicized. He doesn’t capitalize the words of the voice but he might have. Simpson touched the void. In titling the book I don’t know what Simpson intended the void to symbolize, if anything at all. Perhaps he merely meant the void of darkness or the void of the crevasse. As I read, I realized that there is a void for all of us. The void is not a crevasse at the bottom of Sinula Grande, the void is that thing which makes us ultimately human. No animal wrestles with its own impermanence. Only man can see that he is here today but may not be here tomorrow. It’s not just a struggle with life and death but with the lack of power we have over our life and death. Ultimately we cannot do anything to overcome this. There are forces which are more powerful than we.

The smallness of being human is a void of power, a void of control. In light of the universe we aren’t even specks of dust. We are tiny, insignificant beings. Whether we live good lives or not makes no difference to the universe. It keeps spinning either way. Simpson seems to take this in stride as he encounters the void. But that’s what makes the voice so interesting to me. Simpson touches the void, accepting the possibility of death without asking the most important question. This is the real tragedy of the story. Many will read this book as an epic struggle for survival and one man’s ability to overcome the odds. Unfortunately, each small success seemed to take him further away from the most important thing.

Only once does he speak of anything outside himself. He mentions the hope that his mother is praying for him. Other than that its simply “Should I sit here and wait for death to come or should I take one more step, possibly fall and have it be over quickly?” Throughout there is the voice that urges him onward.

In our powerless and small lives, with our limited perspective, we need something larger than ourselves to speak out of the void and give us perspective. Just as Simpson crawls back to camp, standing up to make sure he is heading the right way, the voice in the void is constantly giving him that perspective. It doesn’t come from within. Simpson makes that clear. He speaks of a struggle where this voice is urging him on and he battles it, trying to ignore it. He always relents and “obeys” the voice. But if it doesn’t come from somewhere deep within his psyche, where does it come from?

I envy Simpson. I don’t envy him this experience or his nightmares since. In fact he may have convinced me that I don’t need to climb any 21000 foot peaks in my lifetime. I don’t need to put myself in that situation. I don’t have a desire to “conquer” nature that way. What I envy is that he has heard the voice of God. He was urging him onward. He never suggests that this voice was an answer to his mother’s prayers. He never makes that connection. I recognize that voice and it seems strange to me that Simpson didn’t. He heard God clearly but never questioned Who’s voice it was. Perhaps he did but didn’t mention it in the book.

And that’s the amazing thing about this book. It’s an incredible experience and written so that I almost felt the cold on my own hands, the frostbite, the pain of the broken leg. Reading it almost made it feel like I touched the void too. But I have a larger context to my story and that makes all the difference.

A rat in a maze may come across food by luck but ultimately the rat needs input from outside the maze if he is ever to be anything but a lucky rat in a maze. At the end of it all Simpson remains blinded to this. His life philosophy is that everything is random chance. “Do you play your cards, go all in or walk away from the table… I’ll never know.” How sad. That statement makes this a story of a grand tragedy rather than a story of strength and survival. I don’t know Simpson’s intentions but I feel quite sorry for him. Ironically it may be his survival that has doomed him to this philosophy.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Scribbled Gift

I finished a book this morning - "Blue Like Jazz". His main point is that Christian spirituality is not a formula it's a song. And it's not just any song... it's like jazz. Jazz is hard to write because it's so free flowing. It changes each time because it's the expression of a soul set free. Loving Jesus ought to be like that.

So when I finished I looked again at my book marker. It's a half sheet of paper folded again that my daughter gave me. On the inside is a scribble. I'm not sure what she intended it to be, if anything. She learned how to draw happy faces so maybe that's it. If it is a face it's definitely smiling. The grin goes ear to ear, if those are ears.

The thing is I've used this as a bookmark merely for the convenience of it. We were camping, I was done reading and she showed up with this piece of paper for me. I have a drawer full of scrap paper with scribbles on them. I didn't need another one but I did need a bookmark. So I thanked her, praised her for how wonderful it was, she went away happy and I closed it in my book.

When is the last time I did something for someone just because I love them so much I would find whatever is in my ability to give and give it? I always seem to ask so many questions before I give a gift. Does this person need another shot glass? Will she like that shade of blue? Is another mug really goinig to be useful? I always want to know that my gift is useful, pleasant, not crap.

But here my daughter was teaching me about giving without either of us realizing it. She didn't question whether I would approve or not. Motivated by love she simply found what was in her power to do, created a gift and gave it.

So I wonder how my attitude affects my ability to give to God? Am I always waiting for that one big gift that will impress Him? I know my best will only look like my daughters scribbling to Him. But that's enough isn't it?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Prior Posts

I just looked at some of my prior postings. I wish I didn't get into politics so much. I suppose it still expresses a part of my past so oh well. I don't know that I agree with myself in most of that now. Oh well.