Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Scribbled Gift

I finished a book this morning - "Blue Like Jazz". His main point is that Christian spirituality is not a formula it's a song. And it's not just any song... it's like jazz. Jazz is hard to write because it's so free flowing. It changes each time because it's the expression of a soul set free. Loving Jesus ought to be like that.

So when I finished I looked again at my book marker. It's a half sheet of paper folded again that my daughter gave me. On the inside is a scribble. I'm not sure what she intended it to be, if anything. She learned how to draw happy faces so maybe that's it. If it is a face it's definitely smiling. The grin goes ear to ear, if those are ears.

The thing is I've used this as a bookmark merely for the convenience of it. We were camping, I was done reading and she showed up with this piece of paper for me. I have a drawer full of scrap paper with scribbles on them. I didn't need another one but I did need a bookmark. So I thanked her, praised her for how wonderful it was, she went away happy and I closed it in my book.

When is the last time I did something for someone just because I love them so much I would find whatever is in my ability to give and give it? I always seem to ask so many questions before I give a gift. Does this person need another shot glass? Will she like that shade of blue? Is another mug really goinig to be useful? I always want to know that my gift is useful, pleasant, not crap.

But here my daughter was teaching me about giving without either of us realizing it. She didn't question whether I would approve or not. Motivated by love she simply found what was in her power to do, created a gift and gave it.

So I wonder how my attitude affects my ability to give to God? Am I always waiting for that one big gift that will impress Him? I know my best will only look like my daughters scribbling to Him. But that's enough isn't it?


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